Kapsabet High School Mourns Mr. Kennedy Mwanja

There is not so much that can be done or said to reverse the events. Our hearts are so heavy but we belief we shall one day meet again. We have lost a dad, a coleague, a friend and above all the most jovial guy anybody could wish to be around. Kennedy Mwanja lost his life in a tragic road accident when he was taking his Geography students to an excursion in Baringo County. As a school, we have lost. To Mr. Mwanja’s family we are with you in prayer. KIFO WEWE, CHUNGA! Kifo, wewe kifo, ukawa mjinga, Mkufuu shupavu na mwanafuu Read More …

Captain’s Corner;

Kapsabet Boys’ High School is headed by the Chief Principal Mr. Kipchumba Maiyo (OGW, MBS), who has been here for thirteen years. He is assisted by three deputies: Mwaniki Ronald – Deputy Principal In charge of Administration Kogo David – Deputy Principal in charge of Academics Kemei James – Deputy Principal in charge of Boarding and Students’ Welfare Also notable at the cradle of Kapsabet’s leadership are: Madam Melly – Senior Teacher Biwott Isaac – Director of Studies Tarus – HOD Quality and Standards They are aided by a group of students chosen on merit, with Mr. Mwaniki Ronald as their Read More …